I’m never normally speechless but the other day a work colleague rendered me thus. She happened to mention the Stonewall “Some People Are Gay Get Over It” bus campaign that has re-launched.
Last month TheGayUK undertook some reader research to find out what gay men in the UK thought about their bodies.
Ireland as a country should celebrate National Coming Out Day, says Michael Barron, Director of BeLongTo, the organisation for LGBT people aged between 14 and 23.
Yesterday I spent time looking at instruments of torture and some really gruesome looking antique sex toys.
Parents disowning their children for coming out is, unfortunately, far too common even today. But parents disowning their children for disowning their children for coming out? Not common enough.
Here at The Gay UK this month it’s all about Coming Out. We’ve spoken to two parents about their experiences of Coming Out to their children.
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