Month: April 2016
In a report adopted Thursday, the European Parliament expresses its concern over online homo- and transphobic hate speech, and calls for strong measures to counter online hate speech.
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European Parliament speaks out against online homo- and transphobic hate speech
In a report adopted Thursday, the European Parliament expresses its concern over online homo- and transphobic hate speech, and calls for strong measures to counter online hate speech.
In a resolution addressing cross-border conflicts around adoption adopted yesterday, the Parliament has spoken out in favour of mutual recognition of domestic adoption decisions between General view of MEPs in Plenary ChamberMember States.
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EU Parliament speaks out for mutual recognition domestic adoptions
In a resolution addressing cross-border conflicts around adoption adopted yesterday, the Parliament has spoken out in favour of mutual recognition of domestic adoption decisions between General view of MEPs in Plenary ChamberMember States.
Two stories set in two eras against the comical terrain of college and high school, past and present--exploring issues of sex, race, celebrity and exploitation.
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Storytelling on OUTtv Sweden tonight
Two stories set in two eras against the comical terrain of college and high school, past and present–exploring issues of sex, race, celebrity and exploitation.
Department of Education answers HRC’s call to action by publishing list of educational institutions who have received an exemption from federal law seeking the right to discriminate against LGBT students.
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Dept. of Ed Publishes List of Institutions Receiving Right To Discriminate Against LGBT Students
Department of Education answers HRC’s call to action by publishing list of educational institutions who have received an exemption from federal law seeking the right to discriminate against LGBT students.
HRC and Equality NC post Berger’s letter publicly -- and take the liberty of editing in the truth.
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NC Senate President Berger Sends Desperate Misleading Letter to CEOs, Doubles Down on Anti-LGBT HB 2
HRC and Equality NC post Berger’s letter publicly — and take the liberty of editing in the truth.
A gripping and beautiful movie about two young men, Johann and Robin, in the vastness of nature. As the boys venture deeper through the countryside on their bicycle vacation, the movie takes more eccentric shifts.
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Light Gradient this weekend on OUTtv Sweden
A gripping and beautiful movie about two young men, Johann and Robin, in the vastness of nature. As the boys venture deeper through the countryside on their bicycle vacation, the movie takes more eccentric shifts.