Anton Leuba is a gay songwriter and pop artist based in Stockholm, Sweden. He recently released an EP called 'When We Get There'. It’s an electronic pop record, influenced by the new wave synth era of the 80's.

Anton Leuba

The first single off the EP is Kickin’ & Screamin’ and the video you can see below.

Anton Leuba said to : “When I started working on this EP I wanted to make a record that the fourteen year old me would have been able to seek comfort in. When I was fourteen I had a raging war inside, all I wanted was to be ”normal”, and I could not accept the fact that I was gay. So naturally I wrote songs about escaping reality, and the freedom and consequences of being true to who you really are.”

When We Get There – EP – Anton Leuba

About the Author

Writes for about music, movies, news and lot of other stuff too.