Just one week from November 1 to November 7, the Gayjin Buenos Aires app can be dowloaded for only $0.99 (U.S. App Store). With a list price of $4.99 save 80% now and prepare to celebrate the Buenos Aires Pride 2010!
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Gayjin app price drop during Buenos Aires Pride
Buenos Aires Gay Pride will take place on November 6 bringing the much anticipated parade and countless parties. The Festival Fair starts in Plaza de Mayo at 15:00 (3pm), then moves along Avenida de Mayo and finishes in Plaza del Congreso. The parade starts at 18:00 (6pm) in Plaza de Mayo and marks the creation of the first gay group in Buenos Aires in 1969. The slogan of this year: Law of Gender Identity Now!
Follow us on Twitter @gayjin_info and get real time news, photos and events updates during Pride all the week!
Gayjin is a cultural gay guide that covers both places of general interest (art, architecture, parks) as well as gay places (bars, discos, adult entertainment) and also practical info (eating, sleeping, transportation) with great design, handpicked content, online and offline maps (think data roaming charges!). Other cities include London and Riga with Los Angeles ‘coming out’ in December 2010. We’re never going to return to a printed guidebook! And you?
Homepage : www.gayjin.info