A rising wave of homophobia is spilling over from neighboring Russia where gay "propaganda" was recently banned.

Gay Men

A rising wave of homophobia is spilling over from neighboring Russia where gay “propaganda” was recently banned.

Taras Karasiichuk was near his home in Kyiv in May last year when he noticed a group of young men following him. They began taunting him with insults, then attacked with their fists.

“They were shouting, ‘Faggot, you faggot!’ and just punching me and kicking me all over,” he says. “I have no idea how many of them there were.”

Karasiichuk is president of Gay Alliance Ukraine. The brutal beating, which shattered his jaw in two places, took place several days after officials had cancelled what was to be the city’s first-ever gay pride parade.

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Photo By Allstarecho (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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