A month after organizers of New York City’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade made the historic announcement that it would let an LGBT group march openly, activists are ramping up demands that the organization withdraw from the event because, they claim, the procession still excludes Irish gays.
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Irish Gay Rights Activists Protest First LGBT Group in St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Out@NBCUniversal’s participation has yet to quell controversy, however.
In a new letter to de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito obtained by Newsweek, activists from groups such as Irish Queers charge that “instead of that pressure leading to Irish LGBTQ groups taking their rightful place in the community’s parade, OUT@NBCUniversal has jumped into the space it created. OUT@NBCUniversal is the gay employee/marketing group of the parade’s sponsor. The Irish LGBTQ community is still excluded from the parade. The ‘lifting of the ban’ is a sham.”
The letter, sent to de Blasio and Mark-Viverito late last week, reiterates activists’ recent demands that OUT@NBCUniversal “withdraw from the parade until Irish LGBTQ groups are part of the parade.” The activists also want de Blasio and Mark-Viverito to boycott the 2015 event.
Read more at newsweek.com
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