Wednesday 11th May sees the launch by Eamon McGee, the Donegal GAA star, of the LGBT Safe and Supportive Schools Project delivered in Donegal. This was established to develop and test a Whole School Community Model designed to create schools that are fully inclusive and supportive of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) young people.

Belong To

Wednesday 11th May sees the launch by Eamon McGee, the Donegal GAA star, of the LGBT Safe and Supportive Schools Project delivered in Donegal. This was established to develop and test a Whole School Community Model designed to create schools that are fully inclusive and supportive of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) young people.

The project consists of a model that involves working with teachers, parents, students and the broader community to build a safe and supportive environment for LGBT young people.

The aim of the project is to encourage schools nationwide to address homophobic/transphobic bullying through the use of the elements of the model and toolkit, which has been carefully evaluated as a result of this pilot project.

The project was delivered by BeLonG To and the Health Promotion & Improvement Department – Health and Wellbeing Division (HSE West), with the support of the two schools in the pilot scheme which ran during the 2013/14 academic year.

Staff from BeLonG To and HSE Health Promotion & Improvement provided whole staff workshops; specific training to SPHE teachers; information sessions for the Parents Associations, Boards of Management, and community organisations; access to resource materials; advice on policy development in keeping with the revised Department of Education Anti-Bullying Action Plan and Procedures; and ongoing telephone support.

About the Author

Publishes press/media releases and content for LGBT media outlets.