He’s been talking down the competition and now he’s called Israel’s hugely popular entry Toy ‘a horrible song’ and says nothing has changed since he won.

Salvador Sobral

He’s been talking down the competition and now he’s called Israel’s hugely popular entry Toy ‘a horrible song’ and says nothing has changed since he won.

He is also reported by Eurovision mega-fan site Wiwibloggs to have said that he feels lucky that he doesn’t have to listen to any of this year’s entries: ‘YouTube thought I would like the Israeli song. I opened it and a horrible song came out of it. Luckily this year I do not have to hear anything’.

MySoCalledGayLife.co.uk wrote last year : Salvador Sobral, won the Eurovision 2017 with the song Amar Pelos Dois tonight in Kiev, Ukraine, with the most boring ballad, I’ve ever heard. So now we know he has a personality that sucks too.

We bet that Netta Barzila has got more radio play around the world than Salvador Sobral has had in a year. That should tell you something stupid boy!

Netta Barzila // TOY

Photo by By Mykola Swarnyk [CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons

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