SA Rugby's hamfisted response to rainbow laces queries have exasperated critics.

Photo By אנדר-ויק (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons

The response to those who questioned the decision not to allow players to choose to wear rainbow laces by SA Rugby demonstrates at best a lack of awareness and at worst a desire to reinforce discrimination.

The rugby mother body did not allow players the choice of wearing rainbow laces in solidarity with former Welsh skipper Gareth Thomas who suffered a homophobic attack in the UK.

At the time SA Rugby made no statement on the issue but they have since been approached by the media and LGBTQ activist groups to comment.

SA Rugby feels that being asked to make a stand against homophobia in sport, in general, and in rugby, in particular, is a step too far because there are ‘many social issues facing South Africa’, reports.

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