Yet another amazing week with LGBTQ Music Chart and their readers has voted and this is the best playlist for Week 3 2019.
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LGBTQ Music Chart – Week 3 – 2019
Week 3 of t for 2019 are out and take a look at Top 50 of most liked songs.
Number 1 this Week are Claire Richards with her song «Shame On You».
Kevin Chomat with his song «La vague» came in as a newcomer last week and climbed to place 3 of LGBTQ Music Chart for Week 3 2019 and becomes climber of the week.
Rhys & Felix Sandman with their «Starfish» and Michael Bublé with his «Love You Anymore» and Ryan Dolan with his «In My Blood» left the LGBTQ Music Chart this week.
Voting for Week 3 2019 started Sunday. You can vote once a week – (per ip address).
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