Young Royals is a new Swedish coming of age series directed by Rojda Sekersöz (conceptual director) and Erika Calmeyer about students at the prestigious Swedish boarding school Hillerska, trying to find their way in life.

Young Royals
«Young Royals» streaming now on Netflix! Photo by Netflix

Young Royals is a new Swedish coming of age series directed by Rojda Sekersöz (conceptual director) and Erika Calmeyer about students at the prestigious Swedish boarding school Hillerska, trying to find their way in life.

Edvin Ryding (Gåsmamman, Älska mig) portrays Prince Wilhelm and Pernilla August, one of Sweden’s leading actresses, features his mother, Queen Kristina. Prince Wilhelm’s classmates at the boarding school will be played by Malte Gårdinger (Morden i Sandhamn), Frida Argento (Astrid), Nikita Uggla as well as Omar Rudberg (Simon), known from the band FO&O, who now makes his acting debut.

The story centers around Prince Wilhelm (Edvin Ryding). When he arrives at the prestigious boarding school Hillerska he finally gets an opportunity to explore his true self and find out what kind of life he really wants. Wilhelm starts dreaming of a future filled with freedom and unconditional love far away from the royal obligations – but when he unexpectedly becomes next in line for the throne his dilemma is heightened as he has to make a choice. Love or duty.

Is there something between Prince Wilhelm and Simon ? You don’t wanna miss this!

«Young Royals» streaming now on Netflix


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