Hundreds of gay rights activists were told to 'go to hell' by religious hardliners demonstrating against a Sydney Mardi Gras rally ahead of Saturday night's parade.

Sydney Mardi Gras - 2019
Photo by Juliette F on Unsplash (photo from 2019).

Hundreds of gay rights activists were told to ‘go to hell’ by religious hardliners demonstrating against a Sydney Mardi Gras rally ahead of Saturday night’s parade.

LGBTQIA+ campaigners gathered at Taylor Square on Sydney’s Oxford Street just after midday to protest against the federal government’s religious discrimination bill.

The group also called for the decriminalisation of sex work in all states, an end to mandatory detention and leave for workers who are transitioning, Daily Mail in Australia reports

A small opposing group reportedly told protesters they would ‘go to hell’ but were quickly moved on by police, according to The Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail says.

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