The Stockholm Pride procession once again filled the streets of central Stockholm on Saturday, and the weather was fantastic.

Pride 25 in ballon letters - picture from Stockholm Pride 2023
Photo by Stockholm Pride

The Stockholm Pride procession once again filled the streets of central Stockholm on Saturday, and the weather was fantastic.

Nearly 500,000 Stockholmers lined the streets from City Hall to Pride Park at Östermalm IP where more than 50,000 participants marched in the procession.

We celebrate the end of a magnificent pride week, but it is also a day when we throng Stockholm’s streets to emphasise that we are not yet finished. Not least for transgender persons, the situation for LGBTQ+ people is rapidly deteriorating in many parts of the world. According to Fredrik Sawesthl, chairman of Stockholm Pride, discourse in Sweden is starting to resemble that in the United States, and this is a worrying development.

Over 150 crews participated in the parade this year, all of which embraced the «Celebrate Diversity» theme, promoted LGBTQ+ political causes, and spread cheer and glitter. With specifically invited profiles who have been significant to the growth of Stockholm Pride and Swedish LGBTQ+ politics over the past 25 years, Stockholm Pride had a special anniversary team for the year. The greatest pride event in the Nordic region would not have been possible without the hundreds of volunteers and supporters who gave up their free time to help.

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Publishes press/media releases of interest for the LGBTQ community.