During the recent Olympic Games, Grindr implemented significant measures to ensure the privacy and safety of athletes within the Olympic Village.

Grindr Olympics 2024
Photo by Grindr

During the recent Olympic Games, Grindr implemented significant measures to ensure the privacy and safety of athletes within the Olympic Village.

Grindr Blocks Regular Users from Olympic Village

During the recent Olympic Games, Grindr has taken steps to ensure the privacy and safety of athletes within the Olympic Village. To prevent regular users from trying to connect with athletes, the app has imposed restrictions, effectively ‘blocking’ access to the village for non-participants.

Turning Off Key Features for Added Security

Grindr has disabled several features, including «Explore» and «Roam», that could potentially reveal athletes’ locations to outsiders. Additionally, the «Show Distance» feature is turned off by default, meaning users must manually enable it to share their approximate location. This precaution helps athletes connect without the risk of unintentionally sharing their whereabouts.

Special «Olympic Function» for Inclusivity

In recognition of the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ athletes, especially those from countries where homosexuality is illegal, Grindr introduced a special «Olympic function» within the village. This feature allows athletes to date and connect discreetly, without the concern of being monitored by someone from their home country. The initiative aligns with Grindr’s commitment to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all users.

Targeted Safety Resources and Advertisements

To further support user safety, Grindr sends targeted safety messages and resources, including multilingual guides, to users in the Olympic Village. These weekly messages remind athletes of potential dangers and provide information to help them stay safe while using the app. Only advertisements from Grindr for Equality, promoting health and safety, will be displayed to users within the village during the Olympics.


Grindr’s commitment to safeguarding the privacy and safety of Olympic athletes showcases its values and dedication to supporting the LGBTQ community. By implementing these measures, Grindr ensures that athletes can connect and find support without compromising their well-being.

During the recent Olympic Games, Grindr implemented significant measures to ensure the privacy and safety of athletes within the Olympic Village. By blocking regular users from accessing athletes’ profiles and disabling «Olympic function’ was introduced to help LGBTQ athletes discreetly connect, furthering Grindr’s commitment to inclusivity. Targeted safety messages and advertisements promoting health and safety were also part of the initiative, showcasing Grindr’s dedication to supporting the LGBTQ community.
