At this year’s Democratic National Convention, progressives plan to make their voices heard loud and clear.


At this year’s Democratic National Convention, progressives plan to make their voices heard loud and clear.

Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) will bring activists and leaders from around the country together for an all-day event called “Progressive Central” on the first day of the convention, Tuesday September 4th, 8 am to 5:30 pm.

Before delegates meet on the inside at the convention, they are invited to join activists at “Progressive Central.” There, PDA and other progressives will plan grassroots action on critical issues, and organize to elect several progressive Democrats to Congress. PDA and the progressive community aim to continue building the movement to get corporate money out of politics, end the war in Afghanistan, provide Medicare for all, and protect Social Security from Paul Ryan’s radical budget.

Congressman Keith Ellison (MN-05)—Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus—said, “Organizing the progressive way—from the bottom up at the grassroots level—is how we create meaningful change in this country. No one understands this better than the Progressive Democrats of America.” He added, “I’m proud to join activists from around the country for PDA’s ‘Progressive Central’ so we can keep building a movement to move our nation forward.”

PDA National Director Tim Carpenter said, “We will come together at the time of the Democratic National Convention to plan a more progressive future. We will discuss ways to build the ‘inside/outside’ movement for: Medicare for All, protecting Social Security, ending U.S. wars and occupations, preventing war with Iran, enacting a ‘Robin Hood Tax’ on Wall Street speculation, fighting back against out-of-control corporate power, rolling back Citizens United, reversing global warming, and more. We are gathering for serious organizing to elect and re-elect progressive members to Congress in 2012 and beyond.”

Carpenter added, “The conference will feature guided conversations led by John Nichols, writer for The Nation magazine and MSNBC analyst. Governor Michael Dukakis will discuss the need to defeat Romney/Ryan. We’ll also organize with leading progressive Congress Members such as Rep. Ellison, CPC Co-Chair Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ-03), Rep. Jim McGovern (MA-3), and Rep. John Conyers (MI-13). We’ll hear from and make plans to help elect progressive candidates for Congress including former Congressman Alan Grayson, (FL-9), Rob Zerban (who is seeking to unseat Rep. Paul Ryan in WI-1), and Lesli Messinger (GA-1). We’ll also honor the leaders of the Medicare for All movement: the National Nurses United (NNU), the Communications Workers of America (CWA), Rep. Conyers and Dr. Quentin Young. M.D.“

More information about PDA here: and

Who: Gov. Michael Dukakis; Congress members Keith Ellison, Raul Grijalva, John Conyers, Barbara Lee, and Jim McGovern; several candidates for Congress including Alan Grayson; journalists including John Nichols and Jim Hightower; leaders of unions, peace and justice organizations; special guests TBA.
What: “Progressive Central,” a one-day conference, highlighting progressive positions on issues.
Where: Community Outreach Christian Ministries, 1800 Brewton Drive, Charlotte, NC 28206.
When: Tuesday September 4th, 8 am to 5:30 pm

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