Learn about the two arrests, his banishment from Eurovision, and the challenges faced by journalists who prioritise ethical responsibilities. Reflect on the importance of freedom of the press and diverse perspectives in media coverage. Discover the risks journalists take to shed light on critical issues.

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Freedom of Speech

Learn about the two arrests, his banishment from Eurovision, and the challenges faced by journalists who prioritise ethical responsibilities. Reflect on the importance of freedom of the press and diverse perspectives in media coverage. Discover the risks journalists take to shed light on critical issues.

Eurovision Freelance Journalist Arrested in Malmö Twice

In a shocking turn of events, Thomas Kolbein Bjørk Olsen, a freelance journalist working for the Norwegian LGBTQ magazine Blikk, was arrested not once, but twice in Malmö during Eurovision week. Olsen, who resides in Berlin, had traveled to Malmö on his own initiative to cover the protests against Israel’s participation in this year’s Eurovision. However, due to his unconventional approach and personal convictions, he found himself in a precarious situation.

The First Arrest

The first arrest occurred on Monday evening, as documented on Olsen’s Instagram story. Swedish police officers in civilian clothes approached him inside the arena area, claiming he looked suspicious. They proceeded to drag him behind the stage and eventually took him to the police station on the other side of town. Olsen recalls the bizarre nature of the encounter, stating, «I didn’t notice them sneaking up on me. Two individuals stood close to me, pretending to be audience members, and then suddenly they said, ‘You look suspicious, so you must come with us for a check’», he told Blikk.

Ironically, Olsen’s initial concern was not about being arrested but rather about losing his prime spot in the concert area. He even asked the officers if they could hold his place for him, which, unsurprisingly, they declined to do. It is important to note that Olsen was attending the event as a private individual and not in an official capacity as a journalist.

The Second Arrest and Banishment

Just when Olsen thought the ordeal was over, he found himself arrested again the following night. This time, he was expelled from the arena area and banned from participating in the rest of Eurovision. The details surrounding this second arrest remain unclear, but it is evident that Olsen’s presence and actions had raised suspicions among the authorities.

Expressing his frustration and fear, Olsen spoke to Blikk, stating, «Of course, I’m provoked and scared by these incidents. I came to Malmö to cover important stories and share the voices of those protesting against Israel’s participation. Now, I am unable to fulfil my assignments and contribute to the discourse». Olsen had been tasked with covering the protests for both Blikk and the music magazine Ballade.no.

The Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan also covered this story with the headline «He was rejected from Eurovision: «The police said that here we should be happy». «What does it take to be denied entry to Eurovision at Malmö arena?» In the case of Norwegian freelance journalist Thomas Olsen: grimacing and not being cheerful enough, Sydsvenskan reports.

A Journalist’s Dilemma

Olsen’s decision not to engage in traditional Eurovision coverage stems from his personal conscience. He believes that there are more pressing issues surrounding the event, particularly the political controversy surrounding Israel’s participation. As a journalist, he feels compelled to shed light on these matters rather than simply focusing on the glitz and glamour of the competition.

However, his unconventional approach and refusal to conform to traditional reporting norms seem to have made him a target for suspicion. Olsen’s dedication to his convictions has now resulted in his banishment from Eurovision, preventing him from completing his assignments and fulfilling his role as a journalist.

It is disheartening to see a journalist facing such obstacles in the pursuit of truth and the amplification of marginalised voices. Olsen’s experiences in Malmö serve as a reminder of the challenges faced by journalists who dare to question the status quo and prioritise their ethical responsibilities over popular narratives.

As the Eurovision festivities continue, it is essential to reflect on the importance of freedom of the press and the need for diverse perspectives in media coverage. Olsen’s story serves as a poignant example of the risks journalists take to shed light on critical issues and the obstacles they face in doing so.
