George A. Kalogridis, president of the Walt Disney World Resort, and Tammy Smith, a Brigadier General in the United States Army, are among the headline speakers at the first LGBT Equality Institute, a complimentary workshop to be held July 23 at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort.
Stonewall today launches a new programme to bring together top-performing organisations who have consistently demonstrated exemplary practice to support their lesbian, gay and bisexual staff. The new Stonewall Star Performers – named as Accenture, Barclays, EY, Gentoo, Goldman Sachs, Home Office, IBM and Simmons & Simmons – will lead the development of best practice in Britain and around the world.
As a part of journalist Dan Savage’s project, a host of celebrities and politicians have been delivering the message to LGBTQ teens that “it gets better.” Author Kelly Huegel is here to tell you that better starts now. use income earning auto affiliate links.