A 19-year-old Spalding gay marriage campaigner stood out in the cold and rain on Boxing Day to collect signatures to support her cause.

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A 19-year-old Spalding gay marriage campaigner stood out in the cold and rain on Boxing Day to collect signatures to support her cause.

A 19-year-old Spalding gay marriage campaigner stood out in the cold and rain on Boxing Day to collect signatures to support her cause.

Suzi Paddison said she was horrified to read in the Lincolnshire Free Press that local MP John Hayes intended to vote against the Government’s bid to legalise same-sex marriage.

In the two hours she spent conducting a survey in the town centre, she said she collected more than 100 signatures from people who live in Mr Hayes’ constituency but did not share his views.

Read more : www.spaldingtoday.co.uk

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