Author: staff
We are launching the «LGBTQ Music Chart» a music chart for the LGBTQ community after that record companies forced «Gay Music Chart» to close down.
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Launching LGBTQ Music Chart
We are launching the «LGBTQ Music Chart» a music chart for the LGBTQ community after that record companies forced «Gay Music Chart» to close down.
Indonesia’s Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin has a mixed messaging problem.
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Indonesian Religion Minister’s Contradictory LGBT ‘Embrace’
Indonesia’s Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin has a mixed messaging problem.
Time For American Academy of Pediatrics to Oppose Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Kids.
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Intersex Kids Need U.S Paediatricians’ Support
Time For American Academy of Pediatrics to Oppose Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Kids.
A legal settlement in South Carolina last week will award US$ 440,000 to a 12-year-old intersex child, born with sex characteristics not quite typically male or female, who was operated on as an infant to make his body appear like a girl. The surgery was irreversible, medically unnecessary, and traumatising for the child, who grew up to identify as a boy.
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Intersex Infant Surgery Settlement Highlights Regulatory Gaps
A legal settlement in South Carolina last week will award US$ 440,000 to a 12-year-old intersex child, born with sex characteristics not quite typically male or female, who was operated on as an infant to make his body appear like a girl. The surgery was irreversible, medically unnecessary, and traumatising for the child, who grew up to identify as a boy.
The Indonesian government says it will likely reject 75 recommendations by United Nations member countries to improve human rights abuses in Indonesia.
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Indonesia Rejects 75 UN Human Rights Concerns
The Indonesian government says it will likely reject 75 recommendations by United Nations member countries to improve human rights abuses in Indonesia.
The authorities in Aceh – Indonesia’s only province that implements full Sharia (Islamic law) – clearly feel stung by the international outcry they generated when police publicly flogged two gay men in May. Their solution, it appears, is to put an end to public floggings.
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Global Outrage Over Public Caning of Gay Men Spurs Sly Rethink
The authorities in Aceh – Indonesia’s only province that implements full Sharia (Islamic law) – clearly feel stung by the international outcry they generated when police publicly flogged two gay men in May. Their solution, it appears, is to put an end to public floggings.