When the Irish Polls come to a close in the gay marriage referendum, the mother who put rainbows up everywhere to welcome home her son #HomeToVote explains why.

Yes Equality

When the Irish Polls come to a close in the gay marriage referendum, the mother who put rainbows up everywhere to welcome home her son #HomeToVote explains why.

“I just wanted him to know how much we loved and respected him”.

She said it was spurred on by a facebook post from her son, where he spoke about how difficult it was growing up bisexual in Ireland. She added:

“I always tried to make it clear it was ok to be gay… I felt if someone growing up in a family where we were open, could feel the turmoil Kevin expressed. How much more difficult must it be for people who don’t have a family who are supportive”

In the full interview with audioBoom news, Babara Beirne and son Kevin talk about how the family voted together, how Ireland has changed to become less catholic and why so many young people have turned out for the referendum.

The #HomeToVote Picture That Got Ireland ‘All Emosh’

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