Tom of Finland - the movie are searching for men 19-35 years of age "to various roles, including challenging performance" with outdoor shooting in Forssa, Finland.

Tom of Finland - Book cover of Tom of Finland Life and Work of a Gay Hero.

Tom of Finland – the movie are searching for men 19-35 years of age “to various roles, including challenging performance” with outdoor shooting in Forssa, Finland.

Film production company Helsinki-filmi is currently looking for actors for the Finnish gay erotic pictures drawer May Valley Sesta (1920-1991) narrative film.

Laaksonen as the artist name, named Tom of Finland is due to be premiered in February 2017 and are directed by Dome Karukoski.

During pre-production of the film that will start shooting as early as next month, are now in the search of male actors, for the Forssa, Finland outdoor shooting.


Photo by Tom of Finland – Tom of Finland: Life and Work of a Gay Hero

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