A priest who reserve itself to marry same-sex couples, has only empty words to offer. Worthless, nasty words about love.

Same Sex Marriage 2018
Photo By Kurt Löwenstein Educational Center International Team from Germany (qe07 (9)) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

A priest who reserve itself to marry same-sex couples, has only empty words to offer. Worthless, nasty words about love.

The Norwegian Church is in constant renewal, and now gays finally be allowed to marry in the church. I was so happy, I! On behalf of a very dear childhood friend. And myself. And all, really, writes Line Bredrup Petersen in Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet today.

But then it turned out that it has some exceptions. As long as the priest who work in the church you belong to, have not availed themselves of the reservation clause, you gays get married in church. How graciously (sarcastically).

Line Bredrup Petersen came up with a great idea for straight couples that are about to marry, they can reserve the right to get marry by a priest that also marries same-sex couples. So if you are straight couple, about to get married – ask the priest that he/she marries same-sex couples and if the answer is no – ask for a priest that do in solidarity to your same-sex friends.

You can read the whole Line Bredrup Petersen commentary at Dagbladet.

Photo By Kurt Löwenstein Educational Center International Team from Germany (qe07 (9)) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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