Australian Marriage Equality (AME) yesterday said the Government’s proposed Legislation regarding a Marriage Equality Plebiscite is deeply unfair, overly complicated and totally unnecessary.
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An Unfair Australian Marriage Equality Plebiscite
“For more than a decade, we have been advocating for this straightforward reform that at its core is simply about making people happy,” Australian Marriage Equality Chair, Alex Greenwich said.
“This public funding provisions would allow tax payers funds to be used to attack other Australians with fear campaigns, and is totally unnecessary for achieve a reform that the parliament could deliver now.
“The proposal also creates a complex committee process that takes the campaign away from those who have advocated long and hard for reform.
“It is also concerning that the Government has not released the proposed amendments to the Marriage Act that would follow from a successful plebiscite meaning Australians would not know what they are voting for.
“The parliament should not proceed with this complex and unfair process, and instead MPs and Senators who support marriage equality should work towards a multi-partisan parliamentary vote.
“Poll after poll proves that two thirds of the nation backs marriage equality for every Australian and want this parliament to deliver this now so we can all move forward.
“The people of Australia don’t want marriage equality to remain a political football for the next three years or more – they want to get this done.
“No one party has the numbers to marriage equality, they must now work together if they are serious about achieving the reform,” Mr Greenwich concluded.