A head of the Stockholm Pride organisation was convicted in 2011 for two and a half years in prison for rape against children. On Thursday night, the manager was taken by the board.
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New Stockholm Pride scandal : Manager convicted of rape against children – taken out of service
The pride manager who was taken out of duty on Thursday before Christmas, was convicted in 2011 for raping a thirteen-year-old boy. The pride boss was an adult and began a sexual relationship with the boy who was 13 years and nine months, with oral and anal intercourse. At one of the gatherings, the boy, who then 14 years old, received the sentence “pain and injuries”.
Svea Court of Appeal (Svea hovrätt) finds that the man gave the boy “precious gifts” and suggested that he “with the help of the man” could make a television career in the United States. ” The man was at the moment a leisure politician in a Stockholm municipality. The pride manager must have simulated that he was seriously ill to get the boy to take care of him. According to the boy’s claimant counsel, he also threatened to take his life when the boy wanted to terminate the relationship.
The district court first ruled the man for the sexual exploitation of children, but the court of appeal intensified both the violation and the penalty. He was convicted of jail for two and a half years and to pay 110,000 SEK in damages to the boy.
Stockholm Pride’s Board became aware of the verdict on Thursday before Christmas.
I convened the board and we decided to immediately take the person out of service. We have also hired a consultant to handle everything with the person, “said Britta Davidsohn, President of Stockholm Pride.
In a statement Stockholm Pride disclose the path forward, below you can see some of what they will be focusing on :
Because of this Stockholm Pride has also started to demand a police report for people in leading positions within the organisation. They will even develop a new policy for ensuring a safe organisation free of sexual harassment and abuse. Even establish a clear routine and contact route for whoever you volunteer or elected person can give information to or personal experience.