Tag: children
Karolinska University Hospital has now reported themselves for their care of Leo.
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Sweden : Leo was injured in trans care – now the hospital has reported itself
Karolinska University Hospital has now reported themselves for their care of Leo.
Even as parenting by same-sex couples becomes more common in the U.S., many gay men and their families still experience discrimination and are stigmatised by relatives, neighbours, salespeople and other members of their communities, a study suggests.
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Gay fathers face stigma and mistreatment as parents
Even as parenting by same-sex couples becomes more common in the U.S., many gay men and their families still experience discrimination and are stigmatised by relatives, neighbours, salespeople and other members of their communities, a study suggests.
Russia’s «Gay Propaganda» law is having a negative impact on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) youth, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The 2013 law exacerbated the hostility LGBTQ people in Russia have long suffered, and also stifled access to LGBTQ-inclusive education and support services, with harmful consequences for children.
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Russia: «Gay Propaganda» Law Endangers Children
Russia’s «Gay Propaganda» law is having a negative impact on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) youth, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The 2013 law exacerbated the hostility LGBTQ people in Russia have long suffered, and also stifled access to LGBTQ-inclusive education and support services, with harmful consequences for children.
Hong Kong authorities should immediately reverse a decision to place 10 children’s books with LGBTQ themes in the «closed stacks» of public libraries, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to Hong Kong’s Home Affairs Bureau.
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Hong Kong: LGBTQ-Themed Books Restricted in Libraries
Hong Kong authorities should immediately reverse a decision to place 10 children’s books with LGBTQ themes in the «closed stacks» of public libraries, Human Rights Watch said today in a letter to Hong Kong’s Home Affairs Bureau.
A bill introduced in May by two Republican legislators in Ohio aims to tighten parental control over transgender children and teens who seek mental health and medical care — even if the kids suffer as a result.
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Ohio Bill Could Force Teachers to Out Transgender Students
A bill introduced in May by two Republican legislators in Ohio aims to tighten parental control over transgender children and teens who seek mental health and medical care — even if the kids suffer as a result.
A head of the Stockholm Pride organisation was convicted in 2011 for two and a half years in prison for rape against children. On Thursday night, the manager was taken by the board.
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New Stockholm Pride scandal : Manager convicted of rape against children – taken out of service
A head of the Stockholm Pride organisation was convicted in 2011 for two and a half years in prison for rape against children. On Thursday night, the manager was taken by the board.