Let's take a moment to honor and celebrate Transgender Day of Remembrance! This special day, established in 1999, is a time to reflect on the lives of our transgender, nonbinary, and gender-diverse friends and family who have passed away due to senseless acts of violence and hate.


Let’s take a moment to honor and celebrate Transgender Day of Remembrance! This special day, established in 1999, is a time to reflect on the lives of our transgender, nonbinary, and gender-diverse friends and family who have passed away due to senseless acts of violence and hate.

We want to remember them with love and respect, and continue to work towards a world where everyone is accepted and celebrated for who they are.

Max Mowitz, program director for One Iowa, a statewide LGBTQ advocacy group, asserts that this day presents an opportunity to engage in crucial conversations about the workings of hatred, its primary targets, and strategies for prevention.

According to Mowitz, Transgender Day of Remembrance serves a vital purpose by anchoring us in the present moment and highlighting the tangible violence and oppression experienced by many LGBTQ individuals, iowastartingline.com reports.

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