Marriage equality advocates have dismissed as “unfounded and irrelevant fear-mongering” the Australian Marriage Forum’s claim that “gay ‘marriage’ tears mother and baby apart”.
The claim was made today by Dr David van Gend in a media release foreshadowing the release of polling which Dr van Gend says supports his position.
Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome, said, “Dr van Gend’s claims about same-sex parenting are unfounded and irrelevant because marriage is no longer a license to have children and because children are already being raised well by same-sex couples.”
“Marriage equality is about two adults being able to legally commit to each other for life and it’s time the opponents of reform addressed that issue directly rather than engaging in fear mongering about children.”
Mr Croome said “the horse has bolted” on same-sex parenting in Australia.
“Thousands of Australian children are being raised, and raised well, by same-sex couples.”
“Whether these families are formed through IVF, sperm donation or adoption, research shows the children concerned are faring as well as other children.”
“These children deserve the same opportunities in life as other children, including the opportunity to have married parents.”