Advocates have applauded the NSW Young Nationals for their leadership on marriage equality after their state conference endorsed the reform and called for a free vote.
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Young Nats Support For Marriage Equality Shows Gov’t Out Of Step
Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome, said,
“Marriage equality isn’t an issue for the right or left, but for all Australians who believe in fairness.”
“The Young National’s decision sends a message to leaders of the Coalition Government that they are are out of step with young voters, including young conservatives.”
“I welcome the Young Nationals standing up for the Coalition’s tradition of allowing free votes at a time when their seniors seem to have lost sight of that tradition.”
Yesterday the NSW Young Nationals passed three resolutions: They
1) reaffirmed the 2012 decision of the Young Nationals in support of a conscience vote on marriage equality;
2) expressed disappointment and disillusionment at the decision of Federal Nationals to deny Coalition members a conscience vote;
3) supported marriage equality.
Another motion limiting marriage to heterosexual unions was defeated.
For a news report click here.