Dennis Cooper and Zac Farley's Like Cattle Towards Glow consists of five independent, thematically and emotionally interconnected scenes.

Like Cattle Towards Glow

It’s a complex, intimate, strangely serene, wide-ranging, and always challenging exploration of sexual desire as a hiding place.

In these unique, stylistically and temperamentally diverse scenes, each one featuring its own set of characters and storyline, sex makes a promise of something so intense and untenable to the characters that they feel they must enter it in secret through an act of violence, or under the guise of an unrelated transaction, or by rationalising its dangers away with the help of politics, or through utilising it remotely as material for a purely aesthetic project.

Like these characters, and like sex itself, Like Cattle Towards Glow is as deep, knowing, and unknowable as it is raucous and original in addiction to being unflinching in its explicitness.

Like Cattle Towards Glow facts

Actors: Nicolas Hau, Benedetta De Alessi, Raphaël Bouvet
Directors: Dennis Cooper, Zac Farley
Classification (UK): 15
Studio: TLA
DVD Release Date (Europe/Ireland/Scandinavia/UK): 11 July 2016
Run Time: 93 minutes

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About the Author

Writes for about music, movies, news and lot of other stuff too.