Last weekend Peter Lynas, Director of Evangelical Alliance NI, was interviewed by Sky News about the same-sex marriage debate in Northern Ireland.
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NI : Peter Lynas stands proud together with Iran & Uganda against equality
He said the following to Sky News :
Churches, both Protestant and Catholic, have resisted the change but Peter Lynas, Director of Evangelical Alliance NI, says there is more to their argument than religion.
“It’s not simply a religious issue. There are those of other faiths and no faith who support or object to same-sex marriage or to any redefinition of marriage and the reality is that Northern Ireland is not that unusual in its stance,” he said.
“There are approximately 170 countries in the world that take a traditional view of marriage as between a man and a woman and a much smaller number, somewhere between 15 and 20, that have chosen to redefine marriage,” he added.
Then he stands in the proud company of for ex. Iran and Uganda. These countries is not known for respecting Human rights and lesser for LGBT rights. He and his Evangelical Alliance NI seems not to have any problem standing with these countries in this question. The big question is if he agrees with these countries how these countries treatments of the LGBT community as well.
Our argument is that even it’s majority of countries (at the moment) that do not recognise same-sex marriage or marriage equality doesn’t means that the majority has the right stand in this question. We would argue that Peter Lynas and his Evangelical Alliance NI are standing on the wrong side of history.
Claiming it’s not simply a religious issue, is a false claim – because if it was not a religious issue they wouldn’t have an issue with marriage equality, claiming otherwise is not telling the truth – wasn’t it something in the book they always refer to said it was a sin to not tell the truth – but maybe we are wrong there too ?
We understand that Peter Lynas and his Evangelical Alliance NI stands against equality for everyone, that Northern Ireland still should have first class citizens and second class citizens. Since Peter Lynas is part of first class citizens elite – he means that Northern Ireland’s second class citizens – LGBTQ community – shouldn’t have the same opportunities as first class citizens.
We wonder if he would use the same argument if the discussion was about the religious freedom, if 170 countries was against it….probably not… or would he since it not simply a religious issue…..
We will stand with Northern Ireland’s fighters that fight for equality. We think Peter Lynas and his Evangelical Alliance NI and that thinks like them are going backwards instead of forwards.
If Peter Lynas and his Evangelical Alliance NI would like to response, we would of course publish that too.
Photo By Kurt Löwenstein Educational Center International Team from Germany (qe07 (9)) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons